Monday, May 11, 2009

Innovation: It's for Cities, Too

Innovation is not just for new products and growing companies. Innovation in the way things are done is essential for many aspects of life - how we play, how we live, how organizations work, and even how cities function. Andrew Spiegel's blog has an insightful essay, "Pittsburgh’s Renaissance Holds Lesson for Cleveland," which reminds us of the need for innovation strategy when it comes to government and urban life. Pittsburgh has been through tough times, but like many wise organizations, is acting now to build for the future--and appears to be creating something of a boom in the process. We hope the innovation energy can be maintained as they further develop new models and encourage growth in a diverse array of economic sectors. Sometimes the places that are hardest hit in an economic downturn can become engines of great future growth and innovation, when there is vision and courage.

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